Saturday, May 24, 2014

Can someone give me recommendations on a good video baby monitor / nanny cam?


I know they are two different things! I was wondering if there was something out there that would serve as both.

Well are you looking for a video monitor or a nanny cam? They are two different things.

I recommend the summer infant flat screen video monitor, and as far as nanny cams go I don't think you should be leaving your baby if you don't trust the person watching them enough to not video record them.

Nanny cams?


I'm having a hard time being okay with nanny cams.

I understand the arguments in favour of them (parents wanting to keep their eye on what's going on with their children during the day etc.)
BUT, it feels to me like a violation of privacy, that actually could/should be illegal.
Imagine putting these in offices, where someone is monitoring your every move at your desk all day long. What about in schools - would teachers be comfortable with being watched?

Of course, the safety and care of a child is of utmost importance to a parent (as I am one) - which is why parents themselves make the best caregivers.

When you hire a nanny, you do so in trust, or you shouldn't be doing it at all.

Does anyone else feel this way about nanny cams?
It IS illegal in 13 states to record or photograph anybody not in public without the permission of the person that's being recorded.

Nanny Cams are for the paranoid parents who think anything that is bad can happen to their child. I would never use a nanny cam or use spying techniques as well as I would never hire a nanny. Don't need one. It is my job to raise my kid, not someone elses. I understand having a baby sitter every once in a while because you need to get out, but too have someone take care of them everyday of the week, while you're off doing work, play, etc...... Isn't parenting at all is it? That's why I find boarding schools pathetic as well as military school. You chose to have the child you should be able to punish, love, take care of, etc...... If you can't do that then you shouldn't have kids.

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Friday, May 23, 2014

In Canada, is it illegal for someone to listen in on my baby monitor? And how likely is it to happen?


Just wondering what the laws are here, can't seem to find much information on it. The monitor transmits on 49MHz frequency. The other day I happened to catch something that sounded like a walkie talkie and it made me wonder if I'm hearing that on my monitor, could anyone be listening to our family? Hopefully no one is, but I have caught my snoopy neighbours sitting in the dark, looking into my window once. I'm now pretty weary of them.

If this monitor is easy to listen to, is there a baby monitor that anyone knows of that transmits on a frequency that would be more difficult to listen in on?

Thanks for any info!
That is correct, it's a baby monitor. It's not a magical device that stops transmitting sounds that don't originate directly from the baby or within the baby's room. It is capable of transmitting any sounds near the room. I'm well aware that my baby monitor is not secure in any way, that's why I'm here asking. My question is about it being legal or not to take advantage of this monitor and use it to eavesdrop on a family. I'm not interested in "probably" legal, I'd like to hear from someone who knows about these specific radio laws here in Canada.

It is perfectly legal in Canada to possess and use radio equipment which is able to receive broadcast provided that the information is not passed on or disclosed to another person or people. It is illegal to decrypt encrypted or scrambled communications. Laws are laid out in the Canadian Radiocommunications Act.

Police scanners are perfectly legal. So are cell phone scanners. Equipment such as baby monitors and cordless phones are notoriously cheap and only operate over a limited range of radio frequencies. It is often possible for two different sets of baby monitors to be on the same frequency and hear each other just by chance. Most operate on frequencies not easily picked up by standard two-way radios, but one with enough money one can purchase radio equipment able to pick up those frequencies. However, in most cases, someone would have to be extremely serious if they wanted to listen to your baby monitor -- or just extremely (un)lucky that their system picked it up.

In previous jobs I've had access to equipment able to pick up the darnedest things. You'd be installing some equipment on a remote mountain top and then listening to a crane operator on minute and a couple of arguing fishermen the next. People do have a habit of assuming that no one else is listening.

You can look for units which have scramblers built in. You can use wired units. You can locate it against an outside wall with a (silvered) mirror behind it. You can find one which you can lower its transmitting power -- or in which you can take off its transmitting antenna. Try walking around your house with the receiver and see how far away you can hear anything. Many units allow resetting of frequencies -- you can do this every day -- and some even to this each time it is turned on/off.

baby doesn't eat baby cereal any more?


what should i give her instead. i'm worried that she doesn't get the nutrients it has inside the cereal. i only I only give her in the mornings and evenings . meat and vegies noon and dinner time.

Infant cereal is junk food that no baby needs EVER. It is full of oils, and sugars, and chemicals to improve "mouth feel".

If you want your baby to get iron feed them foods rich in iron:
Lima Beans
Green Peas
Any green leafy veg

Meat is an important first food, cereal is not. Meat and meat substitutes contain iron and zinc in an easy to digest form. Infant cereal has only added iron that is hard to digest.

"Start with small amounts of high iron foods like iron-fortified infant cereal or well-cooked finely minced meat"

"First foods. During the transition to solid foods, it is vital that infants continue to ingest an adequate volume of breast milk or formula. Introduction of solid foods should be based on the physiologic and developmental maturity of the infant in combination with our understanding of nutrient requirements for the rapidly growing infant. Iron-containing foods are recommended as the first foods. The use of single foods makes it easier to identify the cause of an allergic reaction, were it to occur. In Canada, the most commonly used first food is iron-fortified infant cereal. Meat and alternatives are iron-containing foods that can also be introduced at this stage. The foods in this group include meats, fish, poultry, cooked egg yolks, and alternatives such as well-cooked legumes and tofu. Iron from meat sources is better absorbed than iron from non-meat sources."

"In addition, infants need lots of protein and cereal has a low protein-calorie ratio (even lower when mixed with water or fruit). Many experts (including LLL) suggest giving meat or other foods naturally rich in iron instead of foods with added iron. "

Although meat is considered an excellent source of iron, it has not always been perceived as a suitable first complementary food. Our perception of first foods has been strongly influenced by the marketing of fortified cereal-based foods, even though the iron absorbed from these foods is extremely low.

A recent study has confirmed that the consumption of highly refined and fortified cereal foods may not be the best way to maintain adequate iron status for infants. Researchers from the University of Colorado wanted to determine the nutritional efficacy and effect on infants of the consumption of either meat or iron-fortified infant cereal as their first complementary food. They randomized 84 exclusively breastfed infants at four months of age to receive either pureed beef or iron-fortified infant cereal as the first complementary food, starting after five months and continuing until seven months. In addition to anthropometrical and developmental data, the infants were monitored for zinc and iron status at nine months.

What they found:

1. Zinc intakes were greater for the meat group.

2. Head circumference was larger for the meat group.

3. Tolerance and acceptance was similar for the two groups.

4. Biochemical indicators were similar for both groups.

5. Motor and mental measurements did not differ between the two groups, but the meat group had a higher behaviour index."
"Cereal is not at all necessary, particularly the baby cereals. Regular (whole grain) oatmeal is more nutritious for your baby."

"The truth is, there is nothing special about these foods that makes them better to start out with. Babies don't actually even need rice cereal."

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Baby monitors?


I'm looking for a baby monitor that is loud enough for me to hear while I am sleeping so my kids can get used to sleeping in their own cribs early on. There is no need to have one with video I already have one and I cannot get both of my twins on the picture even if I put the in the same crib.

you can use pretty much any baby monitor, although if the babies are far enough away that you can't hear them crying in the night without a monitor, that's a long way to travel when they're waking several times in the night still. With my kids I always kept them in their crib in my room until they started only waking once in the night, and at that point, then I moved them into their own room. I don't mind making the trip across the hall if I only have to do it once, but if I'm up again and again and again, I don't want to have to go far.

Baby Monitors?


Do they make a baby monitor that you can listen to two rooms at one time? My bff just had twins & she has a 2 yo. She needs a baby monitor that she can her dd's & ds. Has anyone ever had something like this & where did you get it?

THey make them with two baby monitors in one package. Got mine at wal mart by fisher price!

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Newborn: Baby Monitor?


As of now my 2 week old sleeps in our room but Im almost ready to put him in his crib. The monitor creeps me out. Its childish but it truely scares me. I tried it out for a hour earlier this week and just couldnt even fall asleep. With the distortion and white noise and his odd noises it just kept me awake...

Any advice??

You can usually change the frequency on the moniter so ther is less interference. Also, you can turn down the volume on it - you won't hear the white noise, but a crying baby will come through very clearly :)

what are some newborn must haves?


im 34 weeks pregnant and this is my first child im pretty sure we have everything we need but what are some new born must haves in your opinoin?? like those little white onsies?? do i really need those? the only onsies i have are like outfits.. and what do they sleep in?? lol thats sounds like a stupid question but the closer the day gets the more and more unprepared i feel!

well, u can go to babies r us website and they have a list for ppl who are going to register..of course it has a lot of things on there that you don't need, but if you weed through you can get what you need out of it...the things i liked;found most useful, etc......

.i would def recommend:
a diaper genie 2; idk why ppl don't like them, there is NO smell in my dd 's room
changing table..will save your back, good for diap changes, clothes changes, sponge baths, etc and you have shelves to store your new baby must haves....i have canvas bins on the shelves to store things that are good to have in reach or easily available...
monitor--i like the graco imonitor, recently bought a second one for another room in the house bc i liked the other one so much, it has been working well for over 8 mos now, and it has good range, battery life, and i can hear EVERYTHING; never any works great..
boppy pillow with cotton covers, soft ones don't fit as well for some reason
lots of baby hangers, and baby hangers with clips to keep outfits together
primo euro bathtub
prince lionheart diaper depot and wipewarmer; ours works well and the wipes are still very warm when we get them to out dd's bottom; and she doesn't freak out when we are out and they aren't warmed, but seems to appreciate it when they are..
health kit: brush, comb, thermometer (not an ear one, not as accurate), nail clippers, etc.
baby meds, generic is just as good and a lot cheaper...desitin(or plain zinc oxide if you can find it)..not creamy, has less zinc ox in it....infant mylicon and tylenol
lots of diapers , make sure wherever you buy them will let you exchange them for a diff size if you need to even after the return period...brus let me do that, and buy a small pack of a couple brands to see which you prefer before you open the big boxes...wipes, lots of them, without alcohol or fragrance! we use swaddlers diapers and pampers sensitive wipes; no rashes, no reactions to their ingredients, diapers hold a lot when they have too and the netting tends to keep the wet off her bottom...
lots of baby washclothes, you may have to use them on baby's bum if it is really sensitive and gets a rash....and baby towels, but you could use your reg towels if money is an issue

swing, pref swings two ways and plugs in instead of batteries
bouncy seat
infant travel system! easy, easy, easy--we got the graco tour deluxe; it is great, folds with one hand, several seating positions, lays flat for sleep; has a big basket underneath and cup holders for mom and dad, one for baby , place for snacks for baby, and a 'pocket' up top for keys, cell phone, whatever you wanna put there...
play yard, get one with bassinet feature if you want to, easier to keep baby in your room for a while before putting them in crib in their room=we have chicco discovery and it is awesome, has more padding than most, easy to wash..machine wash, most are wipe down...very sturdy, has nightlight, vibration, etc and a flip up change table, has wooden slats that slide in under mattress for support...not that much more exp than the others and much better in my opinion
passys--she loves soothies and that is all she will take..
baby wash, again frag free, dye free
frag free , dye free laundry detergent
clothes hamper or basket
lingerie bag for socks, mittens, anything little so they don't get lost in the wash...
something to put baby toys in
extra toy links
lullaby cd and small cd player; my dd has come to love white noise, she naps with a fan and a womb bear; sleeps at night with a fan....
oh, mosquito cover for your infant's where you can see in , baby can see out, but strangers cant just walk up and touch your baby, and they will!!!!!
all i can come up with now...LOL
diaper bags; big one for everything you may need, leave in car unless you will be somewhere a long time, and a small one to stick what you will need for a short run in so you don't have to haul the bigger one

if ffing:
avent formula dispenser; has better review than the ones made by sassy, and convert to a snack cup later...i loved it so much i bought a second one!
bottles--really liked playtex ventaire advanced when she was young, more pieces but it's easy to get them clean when the top and bottom comes off...and they vent through the bottom instead of the nip so no bubbles or foam going back up into baby's milk; they will leak if you don't put them together correctly, but we have had no probs with them and have never had to replace any parts on them..if u decide on them and have leaks, email me and i will explain how to keep them from leaking...:O)
bottle and nip brushes--i really like the ones by munchking that don't have a sponge on the end of the brush, they come in diff colors mixed with white and have a great nip brush in the handles....
drying racks--again, i really like munchkins...
formula mixer: i like dr brown's formula pitcher bc you don't shake it it is only abo

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Fetal monitoring during labor?

Danny's Mo

I've been reading a lot of birthing stories lately and notice a lot of them request that there is no fetal monitoring. Is there a reason so many people don't want it? This will be my first baby so I haven't been through labor yet, is there something I don't know about fetal monitoring devices? are they bad or something? Why do so many people request to not have one?
I know what fetal monitoring is and I always thought it was important which is why I thought it was odd that so many people were against it. It was also an option on the birth plan to not use it unless there was an emergency which I found odd because I thought they used them all the time. Just wondered if there was a valid reason people didn't want the monitoring?

Usually when you are having Fetal monitoring you will need to be lying down and being as still as possible. For this reason it is bad as first of all lying on your back during labour makes contractions many many times worse, it can cause your baby turn turn posterior before pushing and it can stall and make labour longer due to gravity not being in your favour.

Instead fetal monitoring with the straps should only be used if they think it's an emergency and THEN even if so you should request them to let you sit still on a birthing ball and being upright whilst being monitored AND instead of regularly checking your babys heartrate with the big machine with the straps ask instead for a doppler to be used (the handheld one)

Itâs very important to ALWAYS remember that when you are in a hospital, no-one HAS TO DO ANYTHING! All treatment is by consent and patient choice ONLY. Policy is not law and procedure being done against your will is grounds to sue. Doctors / midwives need YOUR permission to do anything to your body. If they arent convinced there is a good reason for a procedure then decline it

While there will be times when obstetric intervention is necessary, there is a little acronym you can remember to get a better idea if the intervention you are being offered is warranted:


What are the B*ENEFITS? (of this being done)
What are the *RISKS? (of this being done)
Are there A*LTERNATIVES? (than this being done)
Does it need to be done *NOW?

⢠What type of fetal monitoring is done before the baby is bornâ¦during labor?

why helllo

There are the standard, strap-on monitors, and there are internal monitors.. Pray that you don't need those. They make the hourly checks VERY uncomfortable. I had 2 internal monitors, one for my contractions and one for baby's heartbeat. Each monitor stick was about the size of a drinking straw.

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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Have you ever tried at home baby heart monitors?


I am considering getting a baby heart monitor so that we can see if we can hear her heartbeat at home. Has anyone ever had any luck w/ the ones from target?

i'm not sure about the target ones but i was thinking about buying one from walmart and based on the reviews i read for it i'm unsure whether or not to go ahead and get it.
2 reviews said gave it good rating and 2 gave it bad ratings.

heres the link for the one i was looking at:

its only $20 so i guess if it doesn't work it isn't too big of a loss. plus you can always return it.

if you do decide to get one make sure you read the reviews. they're very helpful.

so i couldn't be more of a help.

looking for a baby monitor?


I am looking for a baby monitor that will work best in my situation.

It will be used in a 2 story townhouse and only for nap times when he is sleeping upstairs and I am downstairs. I don't need it to work outside b/c we don't have a yard. It needs to work with wireless internet without static interference. I am not interested in a motion mat or video. I'd like to find a good one that is relatively inexpensive.

We bought a fisher price one but it has too much static.

You will find static on all that are analog --- just to varying degrees. Digital monitors aren't prone to interference like analog monitors are. So, digital ones don't get interference from other devices.

I've had two monitors that I really like ... one digital and one analog.

The digital one is by Safety First. It had no static interference, good battery life and good range:

The analog one is Sony Baby Call. It does have static, but it has "noise sensing technology" so when the level of ambient noise in the room is constant it shuts off --- so you hear absolutely nothing. When the noise changes (ie: your baby crying, moving around etc) it will turn on. It also has 27 channels to choose from so you are likely to find one with minimal static interference. And, because it shuts off you won't hear any noise coming from the monitor when your baby is asleep.

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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

F-R-E-E that spells free?


does any one know the lyrics to the song on this commercial or a link to the lyrics? Thanks!

That video has ALL of them!

The singer's name is Eric Violette.

Here are the lyrics.... - Part 2

While I was shoppin' for a new car, which one's me?
A cool Convertible or an SUV?
Too bad I didn't know my credit was whack,
Cuz' now I'm drivin' off a lot in a used Subcompact.
F-R-E-E that spells free,
Credit report dot com baby.
Saw their ads on my T.V.
Thought about going, but was too lazy.
Now instead of lookin' fly & rollin' phat,
My legs are sticking to the vinyl and my posse's gettin' laughed at.
F-R-E-E that spells free,
Credit report dot com baby. - Part 1

They say a man should always dress for the job he wants
So why am I dressed up like a pirate in this restaurant
It's all because some hacker stole my identity
Now I'm in here every evening serving chowder and ice tea
Should'a gone to free credit report dot com [hee haw]
I could'a seen this comin' at me like an atom bomb
They monitor your credit and send you e-mail alerts
So you don't end up selling fish to tourists in t-shirts - Part 3

Well, I married my dream girl
I married my dream girl
But she didn't tell me her credit was bad
So now instead of living in a pleasant suburb
We're living in the basement at her mom and dad's
No we can't get a loan
For a respectable home
Just because my girl defaulted on some old credit card
If we'd gone to free credit report dot com
I'd be a happy bachelor with a dog and a yard. - Part 5

Check it out gas prices blowin' up sky high
Ditched my used sub-compact for a 2 wheel ride
Now I'm rolling eco-friendly, but I still look bad
When the bike store saw my credit
They said this is all they had
I'm singin'
F to the R to the E to the E to the C to the R to the E D I T
RE to the PORT to the dot to the com
Come on everybody grab your bikes and sing along
[Its easy]
F to the R to the E to the E to the C to the R to the E D I T
RE to the PORT to the dot to the com - Part

When you're a rock star,
You get to party hard.
Champagne and caviar,
Tricked out exotic cars.
That's how I'd thought it'd be,
But the party's not for me,
Cause some punk opened a credit card with my ID.
Free what,
Free credit report dot com.
That's the site I'm gonna hit when I go home.
They know how credit works.
They send email alerts.
Now I'm findin' out how bad reality hurts . Part 6 "Renaissance Fair"

I was getting depressed 'cause of all the stress I was feeling at home
Had a poor credit score and the number would haunt me wherever I'd go
Thought I'd move to a place where my credit could stink and nobody would care
I just wish that somebody had told me that place was a Renaissance Fair!
Free Credit Report dot com!
Tell your friends, tell your dad, tell you mom!
Never mind, they've been singing our songs
Since we first showed up with our pirate hats on!
If you're not into fake sword fights
Pointy slippers and green wool tights
Take a trip from a knight who knows
Free Credit Report dot com, let's go!

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queen baby room theme?


we found out today that we are having a girl. i come from a mexican family and my mom came up with reina which means queen. of course it isnt set in stone yet but i was thinking how could i have a queen themed baby room without a lot of pink? links to sites would be great. we arent wanting to have a super girly room. so as little pink, lace etc would be nice
thanks for all the ideas. you guys have helped way more than the decorating category. guess it makes sense to ask ppl with baby on the brain

Im going to say its a regular 4 walls room.

For the two longer walls i was thinking something like this:,r:8,s:43&biw=1276&bih=510

And then for the two shorter walls, keep (or re-paint) them two a regular white.

For the crib i was thinking something like this: The top of it reminds me of a thrown, and it also changes into a toddler bed, so you can use it more then once.

You could put the crib on one of the longer walls in the middle. High over the crib you could put, a STURDY shelf and put a "Crown" on the shelf next to the crown, you can put two small pictures of her after shes born.

Like this:,r:0,s:0
but with the crown and pictures instead of the letters.

In any available corner of the room you can put a rocking chair and drape it with a purple/pink/brown little blanket, or any blanket with crowns of it.

on the oposite wall of the crib, you could put the dresser/changing table.,r:12,s:93&biw=1259&bih=510

I like this changing table because it matched the crib.

Besides the crib, you can put two high, bedside tables, that can hold, lamps, pictures, the baby monitors, and anything else.

You can always hang pictures on the wall in frames, and on the top of the fram you can put, 'fancy' stickers of crowns.

Over the changing table you can spell out her name on the top with the letters on the shelf in the previous pictures, and then on the bottom of her name, in smaller letters you can spell out "Queen"

Instead of the letters you could do something like this:,r:16,s:34&biw=1259&bih=510

or this:,r:2,s:0

Best Wifi security/surveillance/baby monitor or camera?


I want a camera/monitor/webcam that can work over Wifi so I can be at work and look in at my son whenever i want on my phone or tablet pan, tilt and zoom are a plus and so would be night vision. I want to be able to hear and talk back and for it to be recordable so i can keep certain videos. has to work for 6-8hrs at a time. i want to be able to have at least 2 to connect over wifi and watch 2 different rooms, if possible, and for or less apiece for each camera i have to buy. examples are the motorola blink1, dropcam, foscam, linksys compact wireless G internet video camera,etc. I also would like there to be little lag time in the video and real time. please and thank you so much!

A P2P camera that offers night vision , two way audio and has a memory card slot to record might work for you. You can pan and tilt remotely as well plus digital zoom. They run about 100 each and you can have as many as your wireless router has channels ( usually routers have 8 channels ). They use a app and you need a scanner in your phone or tablet. Just plug it in a n scan the code on the camera with the app and you have live view.

I dont know about the lag time but I would guess that the farther away you are the more delay.

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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

what's the best type of baby monitor?


we're having our first baby and we're not sure of all the listening monitors out there, which one is best?

From my ConsumerReports.Org subscriptions:

Baby monitors
Baby monitors are an extra set of ears--and, in some cases, eyes--that allow you to keep tabs on your sleeping baby. There are two basic types: audio and video/audio. Both operate within a selected radio frequency band to send sound from the babyâs room to a receiver. Each monitor consists of a transmitter (child unit) and one or more receivers (parent units). Video/audio monitors have a small wall-mounted or tabletop camera to transmit images to a video monitor.

A baby monitorâs challenge is to transmit recognizable sound (and/or images) over a distance with minimal interference--static, buzzing, or irritating noise--from other electronic products and transmitters, including cordless phones that share the same frequency bands, cellular phones, appliances, and even fluorescent lights. Interference can also be hearing someone elseâs conversation, which makes it difficult, if not impossible, to decipher the sounds coming from your monitor. Interference can also mean fuzzy reception in video monitors. Overall, interference is probably the biggest complaint parents have about baby monitors.


Feel free to skip this purchase. Some parents are reassured by the constant surveillance of a babyâs every whimper and movement. Others find it nerve-racking and feel like they have to be hypervigilant. Decide which category youâre in before you go shopping. A monitor isnât a must-have. If you live in a small house or apartment or want a break when your baby is sleeping--which is legitimate--itâs OK not to have one.

Consider your home and lifestyle. You may appreciate a monitor with both sound and lights, so you can âseeâ your babyâs cries. The louder he cries, the more lights light up. If youâll be taking business calls during naptime, for example, it can be helpful to turn the sound down low and rely on the lights. A video monitor can serve the same purpose, though we believe an audio monitor with lights can suffice. Similarly, if you live in a large house, you may want a monitor with two receivers rather than just one. In general, look for monitors with features that make it easy to move about, such as a compact parent unit that clips onto your belt. Try it on before buying, if possible; antennas have been known to poke the wearer.

Factor in your phone. To minimize the possibility of interference, choose a baby monitor that operates on a different frequency band from other wireless products in your home. A 2.4GHz cordless phone and a 2.4GHz monitor can interfere with each other. The 2.4GHz frequency band is widely used for cordless phones.

Consider digital if you have nearby neighbors with babies. If you want to be sure the sounds transmitted by your monitor are heard only by you and not by neighbors who might have a similar model (or a cordless phone using the same frequency band), go with a digital monitor, not an analog one. This will also ensure that the sounds you hear are coming from your baby and not the neighborâs. Analog monitors operate on a particular frequency band, much like a radio, sending signals from monitor to receiver in a straight shot. Digital monitors, on the other hand, encode the signal as it travels between the monitor and the receiver, making it nearly impossible for the sounds to be heard by others, and reduces the possibility of running into interference from other electronic devices. (Learn more about wireless interference.)

Learn the return policy. Before you buy or register for any wireless product, such as a baby monitor, be sure the store will let you return or exchange it, in case you canât get rid of interference problems. If you receive a monitor as a baby shower gift and know where it was purchased, try it before the retailerâs return period (usually 30 days) runs out.


The major brands of baby monitors, in alphabetical order, are: Evenflo (, Fisher-Price (, Graco (, Mobicam (, Philips (, Safety 1st (, Sony (, Summer Infant (, The First Years (, and Unisar BébéSounds ( Prices range from $15 to $200 for audio monitors, $100 to $200 for audio/video monitors. The higher the price, the more features and frills.


Among the models we tested, the digital baby monitors are top-rated. Short of DECT technology, thereâs no guarantee against interference with either digital or analog monitors, although digital monitors are less susceptible and more private. One digital model in particular, the Philips SCD 589, is loaded with features, and since it operates in the fairly lightly used, for now, 1.9GHZ frequency band, itâs unlikely to pick up interference. However, at $200, itâs pricey. (See our full report on this model.)

If you anticipate interference and want to spend less than $200, buy a less-pricey digital model thatâs not in the same frequency band as other wireless products in your home, and consider models with more than two channels. The other digital monitors we tested were very good: The Graco iMonitor ($90) has two parent units; a similar version with one parent unit is available for $60. The Summer Infant Secure Sounds ($50) is a good choice for privacy, though, like the Graco iMonitor, it has fewer frills than the Philips SCD 589. See our full monitor Ratings (available to
) for details.

We suggest avoiding the Evenflo WhisperConnect Sensa ($50). It has a Pet Sensor, which is designed to alert you to any unusual movement around your babyâs crib--a cat or other pet climbed in, say. That feature worked well, but you can easily keep pets away from the crib by closing the door to your babyâs room. In addition, we found that one of the three samples we tested had an annoying problem: The âout of rangeâ alarm would go off at random. This happened over and over again with that particular sample, and once or twice with one of the other two samples we tested.

The audio/video monitors we tested have small color screens, and unlike earlier models, reasonably good pictures. However, we found them to be susceptible to interference, particularly from microwave ovens in use. Some models, such as the MobiCam ($190), let you tape to a VCR or watch your monitor on the television set. But overall, we donât see much need for a video baby monitor.

Highest rated one was the Philips Digital SCD 589 for 200$, the next one right after that was the The First Years Digital for 50$.

Suggestions on good baby monitors?


I have a set of Fisher Price Sounds n Lights baby monitors, and their ability to pick up the tiniest sounds is great, but at random times they will just squeal extremely loud in a high pitched noise. It will even wake up my 5 week old daughter. She is a preemie, and she's only at 37 weeks now - so she's having stomach problems that hurt her, so the sleep she can get is precious for her.

Does anyone have any really good experience with a certain monitor? This is my first baby and I'm getting used to waking up to her cries - so I'd like the sensitivity of the monitors to be the same as these, I want to hear her LOUD and clear on the monitor. And the high pitches isn't due to other electronics, I just have an electronic clock in her room. Sometimes if you get close with a cell phone it'll do it - but 90% of the time it just does it randomly and loud loud loud!

Any mothers with advice, I'd appreciate it :)

I'm going to recommend the Sony Baby Call Monitor. We purchased it because it was the only one on the market that would not affect the cell phone usage in the house (and we figured they were all pretty much the same otherwise). You can get it on for about $30:
It also comes in a set with two receivers.

We liked it because you can adjust the sensitivity. There's a wheel on the side to adjust the volume of your baby's cry. This way, you can get used to her waking you up without being shocked out of your own sleep. Plus, our daughter made lots of noises in her sleep that kept us awake. We were able to set the volume so we didn't hear those noises, but did hear her crying.

The only experience they have with squealing, is if you unplug the baby's monitor from the wall. It's more of an alert system, so you hear the squeal on your end when someone's messing with the other monitor.

Also, the receiver gets real staticky when the microwave is on.

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what is the big deal about babies that are preemeis?


why is having a. preemie such a big deal and i hear that preemie babies are wy smaller and more fussy, plus i heard that a premature baby is a big deal to have and i heard that a lot of people have preemies, and that they need a lot of special care, what kind of care is this? and whats the big fus? obviously they are just smaller but why is is such a big deal to have a premature baby is there something about babies being premature that makes the actual mother that gives birth a bad person? i mean is all preemies asociated with like drug abuse or what? i mean preemie this preemie that its seems like such a big deal but what the heck is th big deal about? just because the baby hasnt grown all the way like "normal" babies do before being born? anyone know about this a may give best answer to the longest most in depth answer thanks guys this is really a piece of work question i know, but u can do it!

Sit & look at your baby who isn't just 'little' but has body shorter than a ruler & weighing less than the leg of lamb you roasted for dinner.Notice his transparent skin & opaque eyes.See the tubes going into his nose & down his throat, IV lines in his legs & arms. His arms & legs pinned to the bed by these IVs so he doesn't accidentally pull them out & bleed to death.The heart monitor plugs covering what little remaining flesh isn't covered by the other equipment,remember to switch your glance between him & the monitor those leads run to so you are certain hes breathing.Hes so little you cant always tell.Just sit & look ,no touching,hes still too little to risk contamination,so of course you cant take him out of the humidity crib for a cuddle, he couldnt survive the temperature changes or breathe the air, he needs the pressure from the crib too, just to keep him alive.Theres no bottles or breastfeeding hes to underdeveloped to suckle, add another tube down his throat into his stomach & feed him through that.
So whats the big deal of being rushed for emergency surgery to deliver a baby you thought wouldnt be here for another 12 weeks,remember you expect to carry for 40 weeks not 28.Wat does it feel like to know that leaving you is the best chance your baby has to live.Isnt a Mother the best to care for her baby? What have you done wrong?Nature can be cruel & medical science steps in to try to put things back to the way they "should be".You beg the Drs not to use a general anesthetic so you could at least see him but he was whisked straight away anyway just a blurr out of the corner of your crying eye.There is lots of activity beyond your vision but no one has the time to tell you what was happening,it was a minute or too before you heard this squeek.Your Husband tells you that whisper was your babys cry.But there was only one, arent babies supposed to cry lots when theyre born, is he ok?You dont know nor does Hubby, bubs already been whisked away,the Dr still there can only tell you they'll do all the can....
How cruel is it to sit & look at this tiny baby & not know if you will ever hold him? IF & it often is a VERY BIG if (though few have the courage to tell you to your face, its when the Dr/nurse doesnt look at your face you hear their true meaning) IF he survives will he be blind,deaf, brain damaged, will there organ damage,will he need surgery to correct brain heomorages at a date earlier than he was ment to be born,the next time he stops breathing (common in prems) will a tap be enough to get him going again?Will he be here when I come back tomorrow,will he be alive when I come back from the toilet?
So whats the big deal when your baby is one month old before you can actually touch & hold him?You still dont know what his quality of life will be, its still to early to tell & some things like brain hemorages can happen without warning & cause massive irriversable damamge.So what if you are battling desperatly to express every 2 hrs day & night,be at the hospital every waking moment.When youre not at the hospital with him you physically ache to be there, when you are there you so desperatly want to be with him at home, away from all of this. Having a baby is a happy joyous experiance, shared with family & friends, but you dont want to complain or feel jeoulous, at least hes still alive & for feeling resentful at what you feel robbed of you also dread the alternative.not needing to go to the hospital because he didnt make it.
Now hes 2 months old hes still in intensive care, theyre saying hes doing really well but still not sure when he can come home.Youve seen babies come into the NICU & then you dont see the Mums anymore,you often know its best not to ask the nurses because there but by the grace of God go you.You learn not to ask many things, think many things but if only you could stop yourself feeling. Feeling the elation at hearing he should move to special care in a day of to only to come crashing down agin when he has a setback, bottle feeding was abit to tiresome and his lung started to deflate but hes ok we got to him before it collapsed but we wont try bottles agin for a week to give him a chance to strengthen.
Do prems just happen to druggies?Nah & you know what if I could have been drugged out of my brain it just may have been easier to cope Bad things also happen to good people.I had an undiagnosed immune disorder which as well as nearly killing me ment my baby was nolonger safe in my body. Both unable to be noruished & running the risk my immune system would start attacking him & kill him. So I also had the added quilt that it was 'my fault' even though it was totally beyond my control it was my body killing my baby.There were bubs had heart defects, blood dissorders & incompatabilities genetic disorders.Mums with uncontrolled diabeties, preeclampsia , premature membrane rupture & other common pregnancy complications that got out of control.

Question About Home Fetal Doppler Baby Heart Monitors?


I was just curious if anyone has used a home fetal doppler baby heart monitor during their pregnancy
I am 11 weeks and I just ordered mine today ~ I am renting one to use.
How was your experience if you used one ?
How often did you listen to your babies heart beat ?
How many weeks were you when you first started using one ?

Thanks so much for your help !!! :o)

I bought one when I first found out I was pregnant with my son. I couldn't hear his heartbeat until I was around 15 weeks but I LOVED it! I had just lost a baby right before I got pregnant with my son so it put my mind at ease between dr appts. I listened to his heartbeat everyday several times a day! I just loved hearing that he was ok. You can even hear the movements and kicks! Even hiccups. Its so cute. I'm sure you'll love it. Congrats on the baby!

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When can a baby watch TV?


My daughter is 3.5 months. she is very fond of watching TV. I hope this can help her concentrate her self. However, I heard watching TV is very harmful to the baby eyes ----even it is LED monitor. Also it is harmful for that it may impair the positive thinking. Can anyone tell me when can i let my daughter watch TV for more than 10 minutes?

There is absolutely no reason to even consider letting an infant that young watch TV. Right now you should be thinking of ways to actively stimulate her development not worrying about when it would be appropriate.

It is recommended that you wait until at least 2 for screen time and even then limit it.

unborn baby's heartbeat slower because I was lying on my back?


I am a week late to have my baby and yesterday at my midwife appt the baby's heartbeat was slower than usual. My midwife said this was because I was lying on my back which babies app don't like! Has anyone else heard this before?
Once I moved onto my side it got faster but every other time I have been I've laid on my back and it has been normal and when I've been monitored at the hopsital. Just beginning to panic that I should have looked into this further at the time. I'm seeing my midwife again tomorrow but am worrying that in the meantime something might be wrong and I wouldn't know about it until it is too late.

Info below from
Hope this helps!

During the second half of pregnancy, avoid sleeping on your back, a position that puts the full weight of your uterus on your spine, back muscles, intestines, and the inferior vena cava (the vein that transports blood from your lower body to the heart). Back-sleeping can also put you at risk for backaches and hemorrhoids, inefficient digestion, and impaired breathing and circulation. Lying on your back in the second and third trimester can also cause changes in blood pressure. For some women, it can cause a drop in blood pressure that can make them feel dizzy; for others, it can cause an unwanted increase in blood pressure.

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How to make a Video baby monitor?

i dont kno

Can someone please tell me how to make a video baby monitor? The only problem is i dont have any fancy gadgets, like an iphone or ipad or ianything! lol.
i have an extra laptop and i have an old webcam. could this work to make a video baby monitor??
i want to be able to connect to it somehow from my laptop that iam currently using, like skyp or something??
Iam very bad with computers lol
I understand what your saying and thats why i dont want to spend any money on this. But if i can figure out a way to do it with stuff i have laying around i would like to see him, and not have to sneak into his room to see him. ( because yes i will be going in to look at him, i have from day one and i dont think that will stop for quiet awhile)

I can't help you with any of the technical stuff, but I wanted to say that video baby monitors are quite useless. Its one of those baby items that is totally unnecessary.

What's important is that you *hear* your baby wake up and cry for you. Its not important to *see* your baby - after all, you will be very, VERY tired yourself. Its not like you'll be up all night watching your baby sleep.

I am going to be a new father as of August 2014. What is the best high tech baby monitoring video feed I can get?


Hi all.

I am going to be a new father as of August and we are in the process of putting together a registry. We are obviously going to get some sort of baby monitor but there is a LOT out there. I was wondering if anybody could recommend one that integrates with an iPhone or has a video feed?

Thank you so much for your time!

All my best,

With all due respect, I am not interested in your personal viewpoints regarding parenting and how to register for gifts. This is a simple product related question. Thank you.
Edit # 2

Wow, I am a little taken back with the amount of cackling this question has brought forward.

I do **NOT** care about your personal viewpoints on parenting, nor, if you think Baby Registries exist. Even I know baby registries exist! And they are called just that.

If you have personal experience into this product inquiry- great I would love to hear from you.
Edit # 3

My wife is a board certified surgeon and we will decide what is in the best medical interest of our child. Thank you.

Why do you need a high tech monitor? Why, indeed do you really need a monitor at all?

Baby will sleep in your room for the first 6 months or so, so you can easily hear him/her. And unless your house is huge, you will have no trouble hearing baby when s/he cries.

If you feel you must have a a monitor, any inexpensive one will do the job. (And if you are set on a fancy expensive one, you don't register for it. That's not the kind of thing you'd expect friends to buy for you.)

My point is simply that new parents tend to think that they 'need' tons of stuff. And usually, once baby arrives, they learn that much of the stuff they have bought (or been given) is, at worse, useless, and at best, not worth anywhere near what they spent on it.
Babies cry when they need something. You will hear your baby cry. You really DON'T need a monitor to hear it. And for safety sake, (or for ease of breastfeeding) you will want baby to sleep in your room for the first 6 months or so, so you can easily SEE baby and don't need a video link either. They money you plan to spend could really be spent in other ways.

But ok -- Here you go -- 1700 hits for 'baby monitor'

And 500+ for ' baby monitor iphone'

(But again, it's VERY unlikely that any friend is going to shell out this kind of money, so if you decide you like one of the pricy ones, please just buy it yourself. You'll look very greedy registering for $200+ item. Shower gifts are typically cute outfits and toys.)

EDIT: So far as I'm aware, surgeons don't spend a lot of time studying infant care during their residencies. So how does the fact that she's a surgeon mean she automatically knows that you need a video monitor that integrates with an Iphone?

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Monday, May 19, 2014

what monitor besides a savannah is better to have as a pet?


I was just wondering, what is better a black throat monitor or a white throat? I am going to the reptile expo and their should be tons of baby monitors for sale, what would be better? I already have a savannah that is the weirdest thing, I bought a nile, and they have been living together for the past 2 years. But anyway, what would be better with temperment?

ridge tailed monitors (ackies) are the best choice for a first time varanid or tegu type "pet" hands down, nothing is as friendly or inquisitive as an ackie in the whole monitor, tegu world. no discussion on this one. forget the savannah or black/white throat you need to have some monitor/tegu keeping years under your belt before you get one of these. you will fail and they will die or be you will be overwhelmed by their care and cost , probably both. here is a link to all you you need to know to get started with ackies
as far as tegus go all are fairly easy to keep its just size and temperaments that differ ( they all get big just some bigger ); blue tegus are the smallest, have nice temperament, and can subside on an all rodent diet. argentine black and whites (aka. the chacoan or giant tegu) are the most recommended species for the beginner do to there excellent temperaments and their very, forgiving of keeper mistakes. they are also one of the largest tegu species some individuals will take some fruit as well as rodents some not . the red tegu is also one of the largest along with the argentin black and white. it also shares the same excellent temperament as the arentine black and white but it is not very forgiving of mistakes in their care at all. colombian black and white tegus(common tegu) is the least recommended they are just as easy to keep as most of the other tegus ,its their temperament that are shitty. they are down right mean! here is a link to one of the most respected tegu breeder in the world bert langerwerf at

p.s. savs. and tegus need a minimum cage size of 8 feet long by 4 feet wide by 4 feet deep, a black throat monitor minimum cage size of 12 feet by 6 feet by 6 feet. those are some big cages! and feeding is EXPENSIVE . an breeding trio of ackies on the other hand needs a minimum cage size of 4 feet long by 2 feet wide by 2 feet deep ,that is a MUCH more easy to provide cage size then the others and the feeding isnt a fraction of the cost..which one is going to be cared for properly by a monitor / tegu newbie? these animals are a whole different ball game than any other herp. besides the size thing get old fast when it comes to monitors. . go ackie!

p.p.s. i guess i didnt read the whole question cause i just noticed the sav. & nile thing. monitors ARE social animals( frank retes at the goanna ranch proved this fact) but only in same species/breeding settings ( for the most part ). i agree with william w maybe you should reconsider keeping monitors lizard momma. quince monitors are hot looking monitors right? dont hear about people keeping them very often . i had a pair years ago i picked up from switzer reptiles. never any good eggs from them just duds. loved looking at them though, just couldnt stand their temperaments (can you say scratch and spray). even the few C.B.B. ones ive seen have had shitty attitudes.

What is the best baby monitor available for sale?


I need to purchase a baby monitor. What is your opinion on the best affordable one available?

summer makes a good video monitor

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Is there a good landline phone, with LOUD volume & LOUD speakerphone, that works with Hearing Aids?


I've heard there are telephones out there for the hearing impaired but what I am looking for is a land line telephone for my parents who wear hearing aids but refuse to wear them when using the phone. Both say they get ringing and feedback when using a cordless phone while wearing hearing aids, but when they remove them the volume of the phone isn't sufficient.

So...I am looking for a land line base phone, with speaker phone, and better than average volume and sound clarity. If possible, the phone system would come with one or more cordless phones, also with exceptional volume and sound clarity. Oh, I should also mention that they, and I, are very limited financially so can't spend a lot on this.

If a phone with these features doesn't exist, is there some sort of device that can be attached to the phone to increase volume and sound clarity?

Somewhat related, can anyone define a few things for me:

What is the difference between a 5.8 GHz, DEC 6.0, 9 GHz, and some other numbers and acronyms I can't recall atm.

Thank you for your help!


there are plenty of hearing aid compatible telephones

DECT - Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications these phones operate in the 1.9Ghz frequency range - an unlicensed spectrum that the FCC has set aside strictly for cordless telephones.. this is the latest and greatest in cordless phone technology...

5.8Ghz operates in this unlicensed spectrum, there are some other consumer wireless devices that operate in this spectrum, but it is one of the least crowded frequencies - however since it is the highest frequency cordless phone on the market, it also has the least range from handset to base (some 5.8 cordless phones also operate on the 2.4 Ghz spectrum)

2.4 Ghz operates on this unlicenced spectrum with many other consumer wireless devices such as WiFi routers, microwave ovens, wireless video cameras, etc...

900 Mhz phones operate on a crowded unlicensed frequency with many other consumer wireless devices, such as baby monitors, wireless speakers, garage door openers, car alarms, etc... also unless the phone has DSS then it is insecure and can be monitored by a radio scanner... (DECT, 2.4 and 5.8Ghz phones all have some form of DSS, or FHSS)

DSS - Digital Spread Spectrum - a form of encryption to prevent eavesdropping...

FHSS - Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum - a form of encryption that also continuously searches for the best channel, and keeps changing to the best channel between the handset and base (normally these phones will not have a channel button, because the phone is constantly changing channels on its own)

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Sunday, May 18, 2014

how can I use a webcam as a video baby monitor?


I need to know how I go about setting up a webcam as a baby monitor and if so can i view it over my wireless network?
Man, That was alot of help :( "Just Set it"?? I need to know if I can view it over a wireless network.
I am actually a computer tech and i know about all of this, Not practical? what about tablet PC's, palm pilots, PSP and all of these things how can it not be practical.

Not convenient, you need PC and a web cam turn on in order for it to work.

Try exploring IP or internet camera, it include microphone and speaker for remote audio.

Baby monitor with web connection where the in home monitor will work even if my internet goes down?

I am looking for a reliable video baby monitor that I can view on my computer at work, but that is independent in that it will continue to work as a monitor even if my internet connection goes down.
I already found one , the Sassy Web Watch Video Monitor, so I know they exist. I am looking for more options...

I think you are a bit in the future. Internet connections have to come from somewhere. Do you know how expensive a camera with its own internet connection would be? My home comcast goes down. My cell phone's 3G goes down. Even if you get a dedicated T1 line to your house it can and will still have down time.

Usually holes in the internet services are less then a minute long. While I realize a lot can happen in 1 minute, I doubt your nanny will be wonderful the whole day then magically know the net is down and start beating your kid.

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Suggestions on good baby monitors?


I have a set of Fisher Price Sounds n Lights baby monitors, and their ability to pick up the tiniest sounds is great, but at random times they will just squeal extremely loud in a high pitched noise. It will even wake up my 5 week old daughter. She is a preemie, and she's only at 37 weeks now - so she's having stomach problems that hurt her, so the sleep she can get is precious for her.

Does anyone have any really good experience with a certain monitor? This is my first baby and I'm getting used to waking up to her cries - so I'd like the sensitivity of the monitors to be the same as these, I want to hear her LOUD and clear on the monitor. And the high pitches isn't due to other electronics, I just have an electronic clock in her room. Sometimes if you get close with a cell phone it'll do it - but 90% of the time it just does it randomly and loud loud loud!

Any mothers with advice, I'd appreciate it :)

I'm going to recommend the Sony Baby Call Monitor. We purchased it because it was the only one on the market that would not affect the cell phone usage in the house (and we figured they were all pretty much the same otherwise). You can get it on for about $30:
It also comes in a set with two receivers.

We liked it because you can adjust the sensitivity. There's a wheel on the side to adjust the volume of your baby's cry. This way, you can get used to her waking you up without being shocked out of your own sleep. Plus, our daughter made lots of noises in her sleep that kept us awake. We were able to set the volume so we didn't hear those noises, but did hear her crying.

The only experience they have with squealing, is if you unplug the baby's monitor from the wall. It's more of an alert system, so you hear the squeal on your end when someone's messing with the other monitor.

Also, the receiver gets real staticky when the microwave is on.

Question for Preemie moms...?

Kierstn an

What helped you get through the time spent in the NICU...besides the fact that your son/daughter was in there. I mean...sometimes it is just so hard! I don't mean to sound selfish at all, its just hard to sit there and watch all these mothers feeding their babies, and when they bring in the car seats, you know another baby is going home.

My daughter was born 3 months early, only 3 weeks ago. So I have a ways to go, at least another month or more(probably more). Anyone else gone through this? I don't know if I'm slightly depressed or not either...

I know how you feel. Both of my girls were preemies. With my first daughter, we were able to hold her and she was fine, but with our second daughter (who is now 5 months old), we weren't able to hold her until she was about 4 days old, and then only for a little while, and it is so hard to hold your baby when they are on oxygen plus a dozen other monitors. It was really hard because we had our 2 year old at home and my husband had to go back to work and so I couldn't be with our newborn in the NICU all of the time because I had to take care of our 2 year old. You know, it was a rough pregnancy and I was in the hospital for a lot of it, but as miserable as I was while I was pregnant, I cried so often and wished for nothing more than to be back to being pregnant with my baby because at least then I could have her with me. It was a feeling of such distress. NICU in itself can be a stressful place with all of the monitors on your tiny little baby, and only being able to see your baby and hold them during certain times. You see all of these new moms on the regular maternity wing holding and cuddling their monitor-free newborns and you wish that you could be doing that with yours. You think to yourself, "I should be holding her and cuddling her, she shouldn't have to be in that incubator all alone hooked up to all of those wires and under that oxygen hood". You literally ache to hold your baby. And then when you are able to hold them and then the nurses tell you that it's time for your baby to go back in the incubator, this horrible feeling comes over you like you just want to hit the nurse - lol. Okay, so that's not a good thing, but that's how I felt. I hated having time constraints on when and how long I could hold my baby especailly after I wasn't allowed to hold her until she was 4 days old already and it's like you just want to cry. I just pretty much sat there by her side. But you do need to rest. Take this opportunity to rest up. Are you rooming at the hospital, or commuting from home? If you are staying at the hospital, then be sure to get some sleep in between sitting with your baby.
It's the scarriest thing in the world when one of the stats on your baby's monitors drops and then the loud beepers start going off - your heart just freezes. Prayer helped me too. It helped a lot. They didn't know if my little one was going to make it through the first night and then when she did they said it was a miracle. I'll never forget that though, when the doctor came into our room and I asked him if our baby was going to make it and he said "I don't know". Ugh - I'll never forget those words. Then she developed pneumonia and had to be in even longer. It's heck, I'll agree. Just develop your support system. Get to know the nurses. They are there to talk to too. Be very involved with your baby's care. Do as much as you can. Be as invloved as you can. I remember when we were able to hold our daughter, her heart rate and O2 levels would stabilize... that was the coolest thing in the world. Lean on your husband or significant other for support, and the staff too. That's what they are there for.
I know you feel like you just want to scream, cry, and throw a fit. I know I did. You feel helpless and jealous even when other parents come in to take their babies home and you're thinking "is it ever going to be my turn?" It's so hard. If you think that you are depressed at all, be SURE to talk to a trusted nurse about it - they will help you out with that! It is so important to get help. Have yourself a good crying too. Take a shower, lock the bathroom door and just have a good old fashioned fit. It helps. Sounds childish, but it helps. God bless sweetie and I'll keep ya and your little one in my prayers. E-mail me please, if you want to talk ....

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How to make a Video baby monitor?

i dont kno

Can someone please tell me how to make a video baby monitor? The only problem is i dont have any fancy gadgets, like an iphone or ipad or ianything! lol.
i have an extra laptop and i have an old webcam. could this work to make a video baby monitor??
i want to be able to connect to it somehow from my laptop that iam currently using, like skyp or something??
Iam very bad with computers lol
I understand what your saying and thats why i dont want to spend any money on this. But if i can figure out a way to do it with stuff i have laying around i would like to see him, and not have to sneak into his room to see him. ( because yes i will be going in to look at him, i have from day one and i dont think that will stop for quiet awhile)

I can't help you with any of the technical stuff, but I wanted to say that video baby monitors are quite useless. Its one of those baby items that is totally unnecessary.

What's important is that you *hear* your baby wake up and cry for you. Its not important to *see* your baby - after all, you will be very, VERY tired yourself. Its not like you'll be up all night watching your baby sleep.

Has anyone use tenvis ip camera as baby monitor?


Has any one use tenvis ip cameras as baby monitor? I bought one from amazon, and it looks nice and works with my iPhone. Now my little baby is coming, I need a baby monitor, and the tenvis camera may be useful. Can you provide me some instructions? thanks

Answer for information, forum, customer support.
The beauty of the Internet and Google searches in particular is that you can find almost anything all by yourself.

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